
Technology During the Coronavirus Pandemic: Tools, Hazards & Best Practices

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Kevin C. Leahy, CPA, CFP®, President & CEO, and Denis M. Horrigan, CFP®, CEPA®, Partner & Co-founder, of Connecticut Wealth Management, work with business owners in Connecticut & throughout the country. They interviewed Ari Santiago, President & CEO of IT Direct, to help business owners understand some of the tools, hazards, and best practices companies are facing during the disruption caused by the Coronavirus pandemic.

IT Direct works with small and mid-size organizations to drive efficiency and productivity by making sure their IT systems are fast, reliable, and secure. IT Direct’s services include strategic planning, predictable budgets, cloud services, vendor management, regular reporting, and working with business units to find new ways to increase value.

Connecticut Wealth Management, LLC is a registered investment adviser. The information presented is for educational purposes only. The opinions expressed should not be considered specific investment advice, do not take into consideration your specific situation, and do not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any securities or investment strategies. Any statements or opinions are subject to change without notice. Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed. Be sure to consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein.